Everybody is fascinated by the Idea of earning the best return on his Investments.
How many do really get success in this ?
Which Investment helps you to generate the best return ?
Who actually is responsible for generating the best return on your Investment Portfolio ?
What do you think ?
You, You are the one !
Yes, You are the one who is responsible for generating the best return on your Investment Portfolio.
It is your Understanding that will help you generate the best return.
It is your Money Management that will help you generate the best return.
It is your Strategy that will help you generate the best return.
How ?
Lets understand with an example.
A, B, C & D are good friends, they decide to Invest Rs. 1 Lakh each in a Diversified Equity Mutual Fund to earn best return.
In a few days ‘A’ has some emergency and decides to withdraw his Invested Amount, there was no much movement in the value, but he has to pay the exit load and hence he gets back less Money than the Amount actually Invested.
The next year the economy is not doing well and hence the Investment value drops to Rs. 75,000, Now ‘B’ is disturbed by seeing his Investment value drop down to Rs. 75,000, Even though he does not need the money he decides to withdraw his Investment due to fear of further reduction in value, and hence faces a loss of Rs. 25,000
After couple of years the economy recovers and the businesses start to flourish, the Investment value rises to Rs. 1,50,000, here ‘C’ withdraws his Investment and enjoys a gain of Rs. 50,000
‘D’ is still continuing his Investment since he does not need the money now.
What do you conclude from the above example ?
Who is responsible for generating the best return on your Investment Portfolio ?